Suatu hari ada kucing lucu sedang bersedih karena tidak punya teman, namanya kucingnya Mio.
Lalu ada teman yang baik dengan Mio, namanya Mia. Mia mengajak bermain di taman bermain. Mereka main petak umpet, perusudan (perosotan maksudnya,red ), ayunan,enjot-enjotan. Dll.
Lalu Mio tidak sedih lagi, tapi senang hati.
By : Ainun Najah
Age : 6 tahun
Kelas : 1 SD Muhammadiyah sapen YK
Nuna |
4 komentar:
He..,,he,,..hehe,,.. Kayak sekolah di TK aja si Mio dan Si Mia.
waduh,.. kali ini mio dan Mia sekolahnya di kelompok bermain bu yul,.. hehhee
Mio engga bakalan sedih karena ainun nazah manis senyumnya ya...foto yang cantik..terima kasih ditunggu kujungan baliknya ya keblog kakak di :
This might sound pretty weird, and maybe even kind of "out there"....
BUT what if you could simply press "PLAY" and listen to a short, "magical tone"...
And INSTANTLY attract MORE MONEY to your LIFE???
And I'm talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!!!
Sounds way too EASY??? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL??
Well then, Let me tell you the news...
Sometimes the largest blessings in life are also the EASIEST!!!
Honestly, I'm going to PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a real-life "magical money-magnet tone" I've produced...
You simply click "PLAY" and the money will start coming into your life... starting pretty much right away...
CLICK here to play this magical "Miracle Abundance Tone" - as my gift to you!!!
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